Box Jumps, Toes to Bar, & Wall Climbs

AMRAP in 20 mins of:
15 Box jumps, 24/20″
10 Toes to bar
5 Wall climbs


For the wall climbs, start with your toes and chest on the deck, walk your feet up the wall until your nose and toes touch the wall, and then descend back to the original position.
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FS x 3 / T2B, Box Jumps, & KB Swings

MONDAY 010713
Front squat 3-3-3-3
– Increase load each set up to the heaviest possible triple on the final set. 18 minute time cap.
– Rest 5 minutes then –
For time:
20 Toes to bar
30 Box jumps, 24/20″
40 Kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
30 Box jumps, 24/20″
20 Toes to bar
– Advanced option to begin and finish with 10 muscle-ups. 12 minute time cap.
Record results / post to comments.
Rich Froning, Central East